Corporate Power Procurement & PPAs: Lessons Learned about Powering Corporates using PPAs

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

09:00 am - 10:30 am
ICM München
Room 14 A

Corporate renewable PPAs have become a strong pillar of the European solar market, growing by over 40% in 2023. The major share in this segment was solar power, with over 16 GW of contracted volume. The new EU Electricity Market Design Directive supports this trend by requiring member states to remove all barriers to the development of PPAs and to design incentives, including government-backed guarantees.The session will discuss:

  • The PPA market today and tomorrow
  • Overview of PPA products & background
  • Corporate PPA case studies
  • Legislative changes effecting solar PPAs

09:00 am - 09:10 amWelcome and Introduction

Annie Scanlan

Policy & Impact Director

RE-Source Platform

09:10 am - 09:25 amCharting the Course: Insights Into European Solar Power Purchase Agreements

Victoria Santos

Research Analyst, Power and Renewables

Wood Mackenzie

09:25 am - 09:35 amEffects on Solar Capture Rates and Curtailment on PPAs in Europe

Ignacio Garcia Vera

Energy Markets Senior Consultant

AFRY Management Consulting

09:35 am - 09:50 amBundling Onsite Solar PV With Battery Storage & PPAs to Unleash the Full Renewable Potential of C&I

Speaker to be announced

Eric Sebaoun

Business Development Director - Distributed Solar & Storage


09:50 am - 10:00 amPPA Contracting and Negotiation Considerations

Lars Schmidt



10:00 am - 10:30 amPanel Discussion

Ignacio Asenjo

Policy Officer

European Commission

Mauricio Garrido

Director of PPA Origination for Centralized Generation Europe

EDP Renewables

Eric Sebaoun, Engie

Business Development Director - Distributed Solar & Storage


Eric Sebaoun is the Business Development Director for ENGIE's Distributed Solar & Storage activity, based in Paris. He is dedicated to accelerating the decarbonization of C&I clients through the deployment of innovative and integrated solutions, encompassing design & build, financing, O&M, and on-site PPA. Eric also provides BD support to operational entities across 20 countries within ENGIE Energy Solutions GBU in Europe, the USA, Brazil, the GCC, and South-East Asia. He previously held various global positions in business and market development, marketing, and general management within the energy, environment, and industrial sectors.

Victoria Santos, Wood Mackenzie

Research Analyst, Power and Renewables

United Kingdom

Victoria Santos is a research associate in the Power and Renewables team at Wood Mackenzie, with a keen focus on the dynamic solar and storage markets in Europe. Her energy sector experience includes forecasting and analysis related to all aspects of onshore wind, solar PV and storage on which she has published various reports during her time at Wood Mackenzie. She also contributes towards Wood Mackenzie's global analysis and monitors project development, asset transactions and policy updates across the region.

Mauricio Garrido, EDP Renewables

Director of PPA Origination for Centralized Generation Europe


Mauricio Garrido has more than 13 years of experience in the energy sector, most of his experienced being focused on Energy Management related activities. In January 2011 he joined EDP Renewables where he is currently Director of PPA Origination for Centralized Generation in Europe. He is responsible for the origination, negotiation and execution of Power Purchase Agreements in the twelve European geographies in which EDP Renewables has presence. Regarding his academic background, Mauricio studied Civil Engineering at Polytechnic University of Madrid and he has an MBA from IESE Business School received in 2007.

Lars Schmidt, EY



Lars Schmidt is a Partner at EY's Climate Change and Sustainability Services, specializing in decarbonization strategies and green energy sourcing. With over 15 years of experience in the energy sector, Lars has a deep understanding of green energy sourcing projects, including solar and wind (both onshore and offshore). He helps clients to achieve decarbonization targets with green power sourcing strategies and has provided PPA advisory services to industrial clients in sectors such as chemicals, healthcare, semiconductor manufacturing, food production, and more.

Ignacio Asenjo, European Commission

Policy Officer


Ignacio Asenjo is policy officer in the renewable energy and system integration unit in the Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission. He follows, among other files, solar energy, power purchase agreements, electricity grids or flexibility. In previous positions with the European Commission, he dealt with energy infrastructure and international relations, including postings in Beijing and Brasilia. He holds a political sciences degree from Sciences-Po Paris and a College of Europe Masters.

Annie Scanlan, RE-Source Platform

Policy & Impact Director


Annie is Director of the RE-Source Platform, an alliance of stakeholders representing clean energy buyers and suppliers. Annie leads the Platform's energy buyer engagement and advocacy activities which advance RE-Source's mission to support more corporate buyers to procure renewable energy.

Ignacio Garcia Vera, AFRY Management Consulting

Energy Markets Senior Consultant


Ignacio Garcia Vera is an Energy Markets Senior Consultant at AFRY Management Consulting. In his professional career at AFRY he has been advising clients in the energy transition in electricity markets. His focus has primarily been on modelling renewable and flexible sources of generation in different countries in Europe. Additionally, he has deep knowledge on electricity market modelling, future energy scenarios development and asset valuations.

Further Content
Joint Session
Hybrid PV Power Plants I: Providing Flexible Generation for the Energy System

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

ICM München Room 14 B

Hybrid power plants play a crucial role in addressing the flexibility limitations of variable renewables. Solar and wind and/or battery storage systems improve grid-stability, allow to integrate more renewable energy and offer potential additional revenue for power plant operators. This session will include: Hybrid solar power plant case studies Status and developments of hybrid solar power plant systems Policy frameworks for a solar-based hybrid power supply

Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc.

Intersolar Europe


Hoymiles is a global MLPE solution provider, specializing in module-level inverters and storage systems.

Solar & Sustainability: All About ESG Considerations & Transparency along the Solar Supply Chain

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm

ICM München Room 14 A

As investors focus more on ESG criteria in the solar supply chain, the industry aims to enhance transparency, traceability, and reduce carbon footprint. This comes at a time of significant legislative change in Europe, with market access rules and the promotion of improved sustainability practices on the horizon.This session will discuss: How ESG considerations are impacting developers' procurement decisions How solar manufacturers along the solar supply chain are addressing ESG concerns Legislative requirements and industry efforts to increase transparency and sustainability performance Processes for certifying solar products with low embodied carbon

Utility-scale Solar Power II: Digitalization in PV Power Plants - Enhancing O&M through Digital Twinning, Data and Process Integration

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 04:30 pm - 06:00 pm

ICM München Room 14 B

The utility-scale segment is being digitized at a rapid pace. New digital tools make workflows along the PV power plant value chain more cost-effective: from development to operations and maintenance. A key concept in PV digitalization is the so-called digital twin, a digital representation of the physical PV plant that accurately simulates the performance of a solar system. A digital twin enables better failure detection and support of the O&M decision-making process. This session will discuss: The role of digitalization and digital twins in the solar power plant sector How digitalization can enhance O&M activities Need for full integration of data along the value chain of PV power plants Benefits, drawbacks and hurdles for digitalization in the utility-scale segment (panel debate)

Joint Session
The smarter E Europe Conference Opening Session: GET ENERGIZED: RENEWABLES 24/7

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 09:30 am - 11:00 am

ICM München Room 1

This is the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era, explained UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai last December. For the first time, the world community agreed to"transition away from fossil energy carriers" in order to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5° Celsius, sending a clear signal - also to investors. With a record deployment of 473 gigawatts of renewableenergy sources in 2023, we're on the right track, but we need to move faster, especially when it comes to expanding the required infrastructure such as grids, storage systems, and e-mobility. We will need sustainable solutions on all grid levels and in all sectors to meet the challenges of a renewable 24/7energy supply. How can the energy industry become climate neutral asquickly as possible? What challenges are utilities facing and how can they overcome them? Join us at our opening session, allow yourself to be inspired, and motivated to work towards a fossil fuel-free world!

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