Seraphim Energy Group Co., Ltd.


A2.159, A2.160


This supplier is exhibiting at Intersolar Europe.

Product Groups
  • Crystalline modules
Contact Information
Seraphim Energy Group Co., Ltd.
18th Shichuan Road, Jinzhai County, Lu'an City
213000 Anhui, China

Individual company presentation

Since its foundation in 2011, Seraphim has accomplished significant achievements that challenged most of our main competitors in terms of production capacity and the number of innovative designs. Seraphim upholds its belief that innovation is the key driver to offer advanced products, thus we never stop developing new technologies and higher efficiencies. By 2025, Seraphim has reached a 13GW global production capacity. We have earned the Tier 1 distinction from BNEF for 11 consecutive years, and the Top Performer distinction from PVEL 5 times. Committed to independent R&D, we've obtained over 100 technical patents. With outstanding product quality, advanced technology, and comprehensive quality assurance, Seraphim's products have been widely used in over 120 countries and regions worldwide to date.

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Floorplan Booth

A2.159, A2.160

Further Content
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