Project Presentation powerHYDE, Mathjalgaon

Architectural Award Building Integrated Solar Technology – Wednesday, October 13, 2021


The „Architectural Award Building Integrated Solar Technology“ was established by the Solarenergieförderverein Bayern (Bavarian Association for the Promotion of Solar Energy) in the year 2000. It is one of the few international competitions at the interface between architecture and solar energy. The award honors the planning and designing of excellent building-integrated solar systems and showcases exemplary solutions in sophisticated architecture.

Project 05: powerHYDE, Mathjalgaon

Following on from its award-winning weatherHYDE emergency shelter, the non-profit organization billionBricks presented its modular powerHYDE solar home with Architecture BRIO from Mumbai. In addition to the technical design development of this energy-plus building for the Indian subcontinent, the project is supported by a financing model that enables millions of poor and homeless people to find affordable housing solutions as needed. In India’s rural regions there is an enormous demand for housing 40 million households and, consequently, a demand for sustainable energy supplies.

Above the single-story perimeter walls, a gently inclined monopitch roof covered entirely with PV modules sits on a lightweight steel support structure. This produces four times the amount of solar electricity that is actually needed, thus generating additional income opportunities for the residents by enabling them to sell the surplus energy to neighboring
commercial and municipal facilities. Despite all the pragmatism, from the basic concept, choice of materials to the detailing, with respective references to regional building traditions, this has made an extremely sensible contribution to sustainable mass housing construction.

Architecture BRIO was honored for this project with a 2nd prize in the competition “Architectural Award Building Integrated Solar Technology 2020“.

Construction panel:
Design Team: billionBricks + Architecture BRIO
Mumbai + fuse Studio
Completion: 2019

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