Martin Daronnat

Job Title
Head of Flexibility & Structured Origination Germany

Martin Daronnat is currently Head of Flexibility & Structured Origination Germany at Engie Global Energy Management et Sales (GEMS).
Active since more than 10 years in the energy business, Martin has a strong background in Flexibility and Renewables structuring and origination.
His team currently offers flexibility offtake agreements and structured products to allow asset owners to make their assets bankable with the desired level of risks exposure. They closed (the first ever in continental Europe) long term fixed price flexibility purchase agreement in 2024 in Germany, allowing a large scale BESS to be financed. More of these deals are expected to be signed in 2025.
ENGIE as a whole is a worldwide leader in BESS; with an objective to build 10GW by 2030, and currently having 5GW operational or in construction.

May 06, 2025To be Announced

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