Führende PV-Märkte in Europa I: Deep Dive Deutschland - der ambitionierteste Solarmarkt des Kontinents

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024

14:30 - 16:00Uhr
ICM München
Room 14 A

Das Land konnte seine Spitzenposition als größter Solarmarkt in der EU fast durchgehend behaupten und betrieb zeitweise fast ein Drittel der Solaranlagen in der EU. Bis 2030 sollen deutschlandweit 215 GW Solarleistung installiert sein. Das bedeutet einen Zubau von mehr als 20 GW pro Jahr. Kann der Markt schnell genug wachsen, um diese ambitionierten Zubau-Ziele zu erreichen?Diese Session bietet einen tieferen Einblick in die folgenden Themen:

  • Aktueller Stand der Solarenergie in Deutschland
  • Strategien zur Erreichung der ambitionierten Zubau-Ziele
  • Analyse verschiedener Marktsegmente - Privathaushalte, Industrie und Gewerbe sowie Energieversorger
  • Die regionale PV-Marktentwicklung in Deutschland - ein Marktbericht

14:30 - 14:40UhrWelcome and German Solar Market Update

David Wedepohl

Managing Director International Affairs

BSW - German Solar Association

14:40 - 14:55UhrThe German PV and Battery Storage Market

Dr. Christoph Kost

Head of Department Energy System Analysis

Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme

14:55 - 15:10UhrGround-Mount Solar's Growing Role in Germany - Through Auctions and Merchant Sales

Stefan Müller


Enerparc AG

15:10 - 15:25UhrThe Business Case of C&I After the Energy Crises

Dr. Dirk Haft


IBC Solar AG

15:25 - 15:40UhrAddressing the Needs of the Residential Market

Erik Schöller

Chief Operating Officer


15:40 - 16:00UhrPanel Discussion: How Realistic Are Germany's Ambitious Solar Installation Targets?

Erik Schöller, Schoenergie

Chief Operating Officer


Erik Schöller is one of four founding brothers who run Schonergie out of deep conviction. As Chief Operating Officer (COO) he is responsible for business units fulfilling customer needs reaching from small house owners to large scale industries to solar power plants operators. During his time at Schoenergie he drove the expansion plans forward to such an extent that nowadays Schoenergie runs six subsidiaries in total and thus becoming one of the big players in southwestern Germany. He has deep insights into the residential market and its challenges from marketing to procurement to construction in times of worker shortage.

Dr. Christoph Kost, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme

Head of Department Energy System Analysis


Dr. Christoph Kost leads the department 'Energy System Analysis' and the group Energy Systems and Energy Economics' at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. His current scientific work includes the topics of policy analysis and financing in the field of energy technologies, the derivation of technology costs and market introduction strategies for renewable energy technologies. He analyses energy technologies and their future use as well as system interactions and sector coupling by applying economic analyses, system modeling and risk analyses. He studied 'Business Engineering' (Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen) at the University of Karlsruhe (Germany) and Groningen (Netherlands) between 2003 and 2009. In 2015, he obtained his phd at the Technische Universität Dresden (Chair of Energy Economics, Prof. Dr. Möst).

Dr. Dirk Haft, IBC Solar AG



Dr. Dirk Haft has been the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the IBC SOLAR Group since 2024. The PhD physicist had already been a member of the supervisory board of the company since 2018 and took over the role of co-CEO on the board in October 2022. Throughout his career, Dr. Dirk Haft has already gained extensive experience in the chip industry and mechanical engineering. He has founded his own companies and held various executive positions. In this context, he also provides strategic direction with regard to innovative technologies, new business models and digital transformation.

Stefan Müller, Enerparc AG



Stefan Müller is co-founder, shareholder of Enerparc AG and since end of 2008 as a board member responsible for international and operational business for the group. He worked over 25 years for larger players in the photovoltaic industry in Europe and Asia. Enerparc is an international specialist in the whole value chain of large-scale photovoltaic power plants, from greenfield development to EPC, O&M and energy trading. The company was founded in 2008 and has 500 internationally experienced employees with offices in Hamburg, India, Australia, France, Spain and a number of registered partners in various regions. In the last years Enerparc Group successfully connected globally more than 4.500 MW to the grid and it meanwhile operates 3.500 MW of own PV power plants.

David Wedepohl, BSW - German Solar Association

Managing Director International Affairs


David Wedepohl, Managing Director International Affairs David Wedepohl is a radio journalist by training who studied and worked on both sides of the Atlantic. He holds a master's degree in Journalism and Public Affairs which he achieved as a Fulbright scholar. His professional experience included working for the German embassy in Washington, DC as a senior press and public diplomacy officer. He first came in touch with the solar industry while working for an American consulting company before taking up his job as director communications and markets at the German Solar Association, also serving as the organization's spokesperson. He now holds the position of managing director international affairs and is responsible for the association's international activities.

Weiterführende Inhalte
Katharina Eickelberg, Senior Vice President Global Communication & Sustainability von SMA Solar Technology AG
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Lin Sun, JinkoSolar

Head of Sustainability Development


Multi-lingual (Chinese, English, French) female leader with ten+ years' international professional experience in Asia, Europe and Middle East related to ESG, Project Management, Energy-sector Planning and Analysis, Liaison and Outreach in both private and public sectors (UNESCO, Deloitte, Jinko Solar, etc.). Lin Sun holds Sciences Po Paris master degree and Fudan Univ. Bachelor degree, known for results-oriented analytical methods that blend in-depth awareness of international affairs, business acumen and industrial sensitivity in renewables. During the journey in Jinko Solar, Lin Sun leads Sustainability Development Department in the headquarter, taking charge of managing and coordinating ESG, GHG-emission, 'Green transition' activities, in close collaboration with divisions in charge of Supply Chain, Operation, IT, Legal affairs as well as bankability such as project financing, scaling-up renewable and energy transition in various regions. Lin Sun had experiences in conducting market and industrial research that contributes to the green transition and sustainable development strategies. Lin Sun also acted as corporate representative to deliver speech and/or to participate in COP27, COP28, IRENA General Assembly, Sofia Economic Forum and other international summits for ESG and sustainability presentation, while as maintaining close relations with key shareholders in international and regional multilateral organizations, multi-development banks (IFC, EBRD, EIB, AfDB, ADB, etc.), research institutions and industry associations. In 2023, Lin Sun participated in EBRD annual meeting as business representative.

Gadi Hirsch, SolarEdge Technologies

Lead Analyst, Strategy Group


o Gadi Hirsch is the lead market and policy analyst at SolarEdge Technologies. A part of the strategy group, Gadi is leading the coverage of key market segments, technological trends and policies. He particularly focuses on European distributed energy systems markets - aimed at deriving key insights for business strategy formulation. He holds a BA in economics and has previously led economic analysis and management consulting teams.

Messe Info

Besuchen auch Sie mit Ihrer Delegation The smarter E Europe 2023.

Dr. Peter Fath, RCT Solutions GmbH



Dr Peter Fath is a worldwide known renewable energy visionary. Starting from the early days of renewable and solar industry, he took the lead on the green energy transition with groundbreaking establishments, semi-conductor developments and integrated solar manufacturing facilities from polysilicon production to the end product - solar modules. Currently, he is the CEO of RCT Solutions GmbH - which works closely with investors, governments, and factories globally to establish solar manufacturing facilities by providing extensive owner's engineering services. He is also the Chairman of the Solar Equipment Machine Maker Group at the German Engineering Federation - VDMA (Verbandes Deutsche Maschinenbau Anlagen). Dr. Fath has held senior positions with multiple leading equipment managers, including Rena GmbH and centrotherm, and actively holds lectures on the topic of manufacturing technology in the photovoltaic industry at leading institutes including the University of Stuttgart and University of Applied Science, Ravensburg. He is also founder and director of solar research center ISC Konstanz, executive board member of European Solar Manufacturing Council - ESMC, one of the founding signatories of the The European Solar PV Industry Alliance. As a pioneer in the sector, he and his team shaped the solar industry, executing vertical and horizontal solar manufacturing facilities around the globe and helping the world to reach zero emissions targets. Dr Peter Fath has more than 200 publications, 15 patents, is board member of the world's most well-known associations such as the German Machine Maker Association, ISC International Solar Research Institute, and the European Solar Manufacturing Council. He is one oft he founding members of the European Solar PV Industry Alliance commissioned by European Union. Dr Peter Fath holds a PhD in Semiconductor Physics from the University of Konstanz. He studied Chemistry and Physics at the University of Heidelberg, Konstanz, IMEC in Leuven, and the IMT in Neuchatel. He speaks 3 languages, German, English and French. Since 2012, he is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten.

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