Project Presentation Schlössli, Wohlen (CH)

Architectural Award Building Integrated Solar Technology – Monday, September 6, 2021


The „Architectural Award Building Integrated Solar Technology“ was established by the Solarenergieförderverein Bayern (Bavarian Association for the Promotion of Solar Energy) in the year 2000. It is one of the few international competitions at the interface between architecture and solar energy. The award honors the planning and designing of excellent building-integrated solar systems and showcases exemplary solutions in sophisticated architecture.

Projekt 06: Schlössli, Wohlen (CH)

The oldest building in the competition dates back to the 15th century. The “Schlössli” in Wohlen in the Swiss canton of Aargau had led an inconspicuous existence before undergoing conversion, and after two fires only the rubble masonry walls remained reasonably intact. Local architects Furter Eppler Partner began extensive renovation work at the end of 2016 and created an open interior space for the villagers that can be used in many different ways.

The building, whose new, striking gable roof rests on a surrounding, visible ring anchor made of concrete, is adorned on both sides by an inconspicuous solar power system. Monocrystalline PV modules (21.1 kW) in standard and special formats with a matt glass surface are elegantly installed on a special in-roof mounting system that is slightly separated from the roof verges. This is an unobtrusively sovereign solution that combines the historic building fabric with new energy technology in an exemplary manner.

Megasol Energie was honored for this project with a special mention in the competition “Architectural Award Building Integrated Solar Technology 2020“.

Construction panel:
PV modules and mounting system: Megasol Energie, Deitingen (CH)
Completion: 2018

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