Dan-Eric Archer

Job Title
CheckWatt AB

Dan-Eric Archer is CEO and co-founder of CheckWatt and also a board member of the Swedish solar association as well as board member of Power Circle (a Swedish nonprofit organization focused on building knowledge and networks to accelerate the energy transition). In his role at CheckWatt since 2017 the company has evolved to become the leading aggregator of flexibility in the Nordics, with a focus on battery energy storage. At the moment the virtual power plant of CheckWatt connects around 15,000 assets consisting of batteries, solar PV, wind power and thermal loads of all different sizes. The aggregated flexibility is delivered to the Nordic TSOs, those DSOs that have implemented local flexibility markets and/or flexible connection agreements as well as in bilateral trade with balance responsible parties and electricity retailers.

May 06, 2025Managing Energy Bills & Supporting the Grid: Case Studies Accorss Europe 2

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